Welcome to the CARE Supervisor Team!

At CARE we pride ourselves on quality clinical training and the development of clinicians. You are a piece of the foundation under our mission to ‘Build a community to strengthen the community’. As a Supervisor, you are an integral part of this process and have the ability to impact the experience of many clinicians and in turn innumerable clients. We are excited to have your join us in this role and impact the next wave of Mental Health providers!

Documentation Responsibilities and Compliance
Be up-to-date with and follow current CARE Policies and Procedures, Clinical Systems Guide
and the CARE Handbook

  • Supervision Contracts and Learning Plans
  • Review and complete these with each supervisee
  • Supervision Contracts are reviewed each January, or as needed with supervision transitions.
  • Learning Plans are reviewed bi-annually, or as needed. If you are supervising a clinical trainee (practicum student), they can use their format from school. However, we still want to have one on file here at CARE.
  • There are a few templates in Bamboo, if needed. Learning plans should be edited to suit the goals of each supervisee. Similar to treatment plans, we want them to be meaningful and
    measurable. Think SMART goals based in professional competencies.

Supervision Notes

  • These will be sent to you via Bamboo on Monday of each week. Please complete them when you have supervision during that week.
  • Complete weekly supervision notes (and additional as needed) for each supervisee in Bamboo.
  • If you need an additional note for your supervisee, please email the Clinical Director. At this time, we are unable to send additional notes for someone who is not your supervisee.
  • If you are providing supervision coverage, please complete a supervision note and
    email it to the primary supervisor. The primary supervisor will input it into Bamboo.

Please review the video instructions for completing these forms in Bamboo.

Monthly Feedback Forms

  • Complete Monthly Feedback in Bamboo regarding each supervisee’s performance
    every month. These are due by the 7th of the following month.
  • Please look at trends with the supervisee and address any concerns with
    the supervisee. These are visible to supervisees which helps us be
    transparent with how supervisees are doing on these domains.
  • Complete the Supervisor Self-Reflection in Bamboo regarding your performance as a
    supervisor and expectations. This is to help us be transparent with expectations and
    accountable for our roles. These are also due by the 7th of the following month.
  • Please review the video instructions for completing these forms in Bamboo.

Diagnostic Assessment (DA) edits

  • Provide feedback that aligns with CARE’s Clinical Systems Guide and legal/ethical
    standards. See the Minimum DA components section in the Clinical Systems Guide
    for specific items to ensure are covered in the DA.
  • Be prompt with edits to supervisees, ideally ASAP, but at the least within 2-3 days
    from when they submit them to the supervisor.
  • Some supervisors print out the DA and give feedback/edits for the document that way. Others will email feedback/edits broken up into specific sections. If you email, please make sure there is no PHI and client initials are used.
  • Reminder, supervisees cannot do treatment planning without a signed second DA. This is important to remember as DA’s may take multiple rounds of edits or need diagnostic changes. So please buffer in time to account for these.
  • Additionally, please make sure that all necessary intake forms and assessments are completed for each client.

Treatment Plan (TxP) edits

  • Provide feedback that aligns with CARE’s Clinical Systems Guide and legal/ethical
    standards. See the TxP section in the Clinical Systems Guide for specifics.
  • As soon as possible or within 2-3 days from when they were submitted to the supervisor.
  • Please make sure that there is a Golden Thread with the diagnosis, goal and objectives. Additionally, please make sure that objectives are measurable (and do not have %).
  • Additionally, please make sure that no sessions occur without an active TxP. This also includes TxPs that have expired (over 90 days).

Signing Progress Notes and Other Documentation

  • Provide constructive feedback and guidance on documentation as needed and follow the Clinical Systems Guide for specifics needed in each type of documentation.
  • Review and sign all supervisee documentation; ideally these would be signed daily or at least weekly.
  • Safety Plans – if a supervisee creates a Safety Plan, they should communicate this
    with you. You will then go in and review the Safety Plan, then create a Miscellaneous Note and rename it “Safety Plan – Supervisor Signature” and use the template below.

This supervisor has reviewed the Safety Plan completed in session on
XX/XX/XXXX. Please consider this a digital signature on the Safety Plan.

Supervision Hours Verification

  • Sign off on supervisees hours completed under your license needed for the
    supervisee’s licensure or school requirements.
  • Supervisees can use any format the desire for tracking (e.g., Time2Track) or a
    tracking format from CARE. Please reach out to the Clinical Director if you want the
    CARE tracking form.

Supervisor’s Own Paperwork

  • Keep up with all of your own clinical documentation following CARE’s established
    expectations and timelines.

Supervisor Availability

Attend required meetings for supervisors (e.g., sup of sup, case consult, weekly supervision,
team meetings, etc).

Take part in the interview process (if invited) re: hiring students and PILTS.

Take part in the training/onboarding of new Clinical Trainees and PILTS, as needed.

Take part in performance reviews of supervisees and other staff as needed.

You may be asked to attend all or parts of Clinical Trainee training day. At a minimum, you
must attend the Clinical Trainee luncheon.

Weekly Supervision

Providing quality weekly supervision is a priority of the Supervisor role.

Supervision coverage can happen if a supervisor is on PTO for the week.

If a supervisor is out for a day or a few days, please work to schedule the
supervisee into your schedule while you are in the office. This might mean
re-scheduling/canceling clients or a break in your schedule. Our priority as
supervisors is that the supervisees have consistent support and supervision

Supervision Coverage

Please help us support the Supervision Team and fill in when a supervisor is on PTO
by providing supervision coverage.
This is a great way to help us support resilience in the Supervision Team and
connect with other unlicensed staff whom you might not be as close with on the

The covering supervisor will complete a supervision note and send this via email to
the supervisor. The primary supervisor will add this note into Bamboo. Please also
communicate with the primary supervisor about anything additional that might
have been covered with their supervisee while they were out.

Weekly Supervision of Supervision (Sup/Sup)

If a supervisor is going to be out, please let the Clinical Director and Dr. Hutchinson

If a supervisor is out, it is their responsibility to find out what they missed during the
meeting. Important information is conveyed and reiterated during these meetings
that support CARE systems that help us all be on the same page.

Attend Sup/Sup and participate in the meeting to support supervisees, supervisors
and CARE.

Communicate and reinforce any changes that are communicated during these
meetings with your supervisees (and consult groups, as needed).

Help Sup!

Our priority of supporting supervisees includes being available to help provide
support in crisis situations.

Please respond ASAP if you are contacted to help out in a ‘Help-Sup’ situation.

If the supervisee you are helping is not your supervisee, please de-brief with the
supervisee after the situation and also follow up with their supervisor.

Overall availability

Please be available and responsive to your supervisees.

If you are on PTO, please clearly document this in Therapy Notes and make sure it is
in ADP.

Engagement in the Team and Positive Representation of CARE

As a Supervisor at CARE, we want to be united and working together towards our CARE
goals and vision. It is important for us to have one voice with the team to help support

Additionally, please participate in various ways to support and promote CARE

Common examples: team events, supervision coverage, Help-Sup, caught CAREing,
reaching out to team members, represent CARE at various events, interact on
Teams, etc.

Model professional behavior and ethical/legal standards.

Management Tasks

Manage and support the supervisee re: diagnosing, conducting therapy, professional
development, and all other aspects of the job. Support supervisee’s learning and growth

Manage supervisees’ PTO

Each week, check and approve supervisees’ PTO requests in ADP. This needs to be
completed by 9am Tuesday morning. This is important for our payroll process.

Look at (and respond, as needed) to emails inquiring about supervisees’ PTO to
support the Flexibility Plan.

Please communicate with supervisees regarding the expectations and help them
with schedule management.


Be aware of your supervisee’s schedule and monitor their performance.

Check the weekly Quota Tracker and communicate expectations with supervisees.

Help support the use of Flexibility Plan as appropriate, while holding supervisees
accountable for meeting expectations regarding performance (i.e., quota and
paperwork). Remind them that flexibility is often a give and take.

Professionalism and Professional Development

Help your supervisee with their overall professionalism and professional

Review their Learning Plan and help support their future goals as appropriate. These
can be updated as needed.

Oversee Supervisee’s Paperwork and Other Documentation

Review and sign paperwork as described in the Clinical Systems Guide.

Make sure supervisees are adhering to paperwork compliance as outlines in the
Clinical Systems Guide, Job Description, and CARE’s Handbook.

Supervision is not confidential

While we want to keep information private in supervision, there are times where
that can be problematic and/or needs to be shared (e.g., sexual harassment;
discrimination; job dissatisfaction).

As supervisors, we are in evaluative positions and therefore need to communicate
performance (both positive and challenging), along with additional concerns as they
arise. This is a value of transparence and accountability. We are unable to help
address problems or reinforce success if we are unaware of it.

If there is a concern, issue or problem, communicate with the Clinical Director
and/or Associate Clinical Director.

Please follow the process in the Handbook for any matters related to Sexual
Harassment or Discrimination.

Ethical or Legal issues or concerns

If legal or ethical issues arise with Supervisee’s performance or a client of theirs,
please consult with the Clinical Director and/or Associate Clinical Director.

Supervision Transitions

There are times when a transition to a new supervisor is needed. When this occurs,
both supervisors involved will be notified as soon as feasible.

Both supervisors will connect to discuss the performance of the transitioning
supervisee and ways to support them.

The old supervisor will:

Inform the supervisee of the upcoming transition and what to expect in the

The new supervisor will:

Connect with to the supervisee and schedule supervision (after they are
informed by the old supervisor)

Collect a new Supervision Contract and Learning Plan in their first
supervision together. The Learning Plan can be carried over or updated
from the previous supervision; however, new signatures need to be

Reviews (Mid-year and Annual)

Complete evaluations provided for supervisees (e.g., School Evaluations and/or
Biannual reviews at CARE).

If a supervisee has a School Evaluation, please obtain a completed copy and
have it uploaded into Bamboo.

Supervisors are expected to be active participants in the review processes. Primary
supervisors lead the review of their supervisee. At times, you will be a secondary
supervisor in the review to provide support for the primary supervisor and

Complete associated tasks related to the review process within the timeframe

Quota Tracking

Each week, supervisors are emailed the Quota Tracker. Please look at this every
week, especially paying attention to your supervisee’s performance. If there are
issues within the document (e.g., quota points are off), please communicate with

Common things to look for:


How are they doing? Are they meeting expectations (100%)? Are
there trends?

If they are not meeting expectations, please be transparent
and communicate the expectation with them.

Problem solve ways to meet quota (e.g., schedule
management, show rates, removing holds, every/other
week clients alternating, etc) and/or retention.

Other points-

Make sure these are accurate (if applicable).

PILT points (1.75) –

Make sure these are applied (if applicable).

These end once a supervisee is licensed. They can also stop going to
PILT at this time.

Please communicate with Beka if PILT points are missing or should
be removed.

PTO points

Make sure they are accurate (re: holiday and PTO)

Retention of clients

Pay attention to retention as indicated by the far-right columns of
Average Weekly Intakes and Retention.

Average weekly intakes are calculated by how many
intakes scheduled over the number of weeks they have
been at CARE. This number should continue to decrease as
a clinician has been at CARE. The goal is to keep this
number under 3 (not including onboarding/ramping up).

Ramp up points

Make sure that these are accurate and help prepare your supervisee
for when they discontinue. If they are inaccurate, please
communicate with Beka.

*** Please remember: Supervisors receive two quota points weekly for their role as a supervisor and
other job-related demands (described above) and this is consistent even when the supervisor is on
PTO. ***

Where can I find ____?

Therapy Notes

Clinical Documentation

Specific templates and examples for reference will be in the Clinical Systems

Library Documents

Intake paperwork

Safety Plans

Hospitalization Protocol and T-Hold Form


Supervision Notes/Supervision Record

If you do not see one for your supervisee, please contact the Clinical Director.

Monthly Feedback

Supervisee Feedback

Supervisor Self – Reflection

Annual Reviews

Self- Reviews

Manager Review

Supervision Contracts

Learning Plans


PTO processing

How to – is located on the Supervisor intranet

CARE Employee Handbook


Clinical Supervisor Teams channel

Consult Group Teams channels

Additional client resources and referrals (All CARE Teams channel)


Resource for additional and quick information and resources

Onboarding and Training Videos

Clinical Systems Guide and templates

Assessment measures

Flexibility Plan information

Calling out sick procedures

Supervisor Specific Tools —