What does the ADMIN Team do for you?

I think we can all agree we truly have the best ADMIN Team in the world. But what makes them great?! Check out all the incredible things they do for the clinicians at CARE…

We place a hold on your EHR calendar every day so that you do not get a surprise intake scheduled after 7pm for your 7am, 8am or 9am time slot!

  1. We transport whatever is needed from site to site.
  2. If you need anything transported to another location, put in the nylon bag in the workspace at your location.

We call clients to let them know and offer to reschedule them. (We ask that you call your 7am and 8am clients in case an admin team member does not see your email in time, but we will call everyone else!)

Medical Records prepares and sends out faxes for you! Check out the Medical Records Intranet page for more details!

We upload your typeform ROI’s and add them to your client’s contacts in Therapy Notes! We try our best to inform you if we see an error in filling out these tricky forms out!

  1. Out of toilet paper, soap, paper towels? The admin team can replenish those if it occurs before the cleaning company arrives.
  2. Want more of your favorite coffee? Need post it notes or a new pen? Our admin team works with marketing to make sure you are fully supported and caffeinated.

Every week we calculate your quota points, appointment service codes, PTO requests, and more! We make sure the quota tracker is up to date for bonus eligibility to make sure you always know where you’re at with quota.

If we find out during an intake call that CARE is not a good fit for a client (ex. they need Rule 25 assessment) we refer them to a place that offers what they are looking for. We aren’t able to screen every client for goodness of fit, but we will do this if we get the information during the intake call.

We reach out to make sure your clients will not receive appointment reminders for days the clinic is closed!

The admin team drops of mail to the mailbox and can help gather this information to send out!

The admin team pulls data to see when DA’s are due and lets you know!

We take notes during the monthly team meeting so you can look back at what was discussed!

We quickly jumps on help-sup emails to find someone to assist you asap!

We fields numerous rescheduled and cancelled appointment calls from clients. We always try our best to reschedule clients to avoid the late cancellation fee and inform the client of the protocols in place to avoid referring out. We leave detailed contact notes so clinicians can follow along with the client’s journey.

We upload online portal documents for all new intakes and walks the client through how to fill them out. We can answer basic questions about these forms and refer to the video guide for a more thorough answer. We support clients who need paper copies of intake paperwork by mailing them out and uploading the intake paperwork when it is returned.  We also double check to make sure these documents are actually signed with a signature—a dot or line does not count.

We check to see if Treatment Plans have accidently been dismissed and if so we let you know so that they are not missed.

We have a waitlist for clients and keep on top of it calling and scheduling whenever possible to get clients scheduled.

We keep your SchedulR profiles up to date!

The admin team can take client payments on the phone or in person.

We clean out the fridge monthly at each site.

We upload any client documents (think records) from the mail into the clients TN account and let you know.

Front Desk Teams at Each Site


  • More information coming!


  • Jordyn Hollar
  • Kristina Zenalaj


  • Miranda Murgasen


  • Anthony Hoyos


  • Keisha Seyes

Mendota Heights

  • Kayla Rausch

St. Louis Park

  • Ashton Robinson


  • More information coming!