In-Office Admin Questions

  1. Outlook calendar
  2. Outlook Email (personal and info email)
  3. Therapy Notes
  4. People Helped Tracker
  5. Zoom
  6. Bamboo
  7. CARE’s Intranet

Please reach out to the Cleaning Company! (

Write “Return to Sender” on the envelope and put it in the mailbox for the mail carrier

Please include all pertinent information: is the client aware the appointment is over telehealth? Is the client expecting a call back? If so, from who? Did you speak with the client or just leave a voicemail?

Technology Questions

Call AllCovered and they will set it up for you.

Call AllCovered or use the chat function on their website here.

Call AllCovered


  1. Double-check clinician availability
  2. Email/message the clinician on Teams immediately

Click on the request. If the client is already in Therapy Notes, their name will be listed below the request with their DOB, email, and phone number. If all this information matches you can click on them to schedule the appointment in their Therapy Notes account.

  1. Spanish-speaking clients can be referred to CLUES.
  2. Minors who parents do not speak English, we also need to refer them out. Ethically we can not provide the paperwork and explain services if they do not speak English
  1. First, have you offered to schedule a DA with another clinician?
  2. Let the caller know, clients within our system receive first priority when scheduling.
  3. Within Microsoft Teams there is a page called “Other Admin Tracking,” which has the waitlist inside it. Fill in the client information at the bottom of the list and add the client to Therapy Notes. Ensure their name and DOB are included and write “WAITLIST – DATE: please remove from waitlist when scheduled” in the Patient Comments.

You can help them with finding a good fit/time, but we cannot schedule the person an intake. They would have to call or make the appointment request themselves online.

Yep, however any contact in the future will need an ROI on file for.

Nope! The account only needs to be made for the IP (the ones whose insurance will be used).

No, clients may attend session on their lunch break but not during work or while driving. Additionally, they will need to be in a private space.

Intake Tracker

We update this as soon we receive information from the clinician in a typeform or if a clinician emails with a change request.

If it is scheduled more than one month later or if it is scheduled with a different clinician.

Add transfer clients to the Transfer tab.


  1. Call the client
  2. Write a contact note
  3. Respond to the clinician’s email letting them know
  1. Do NOT respond to the client as email is not HIPAA compliant. Instead, make a contact note by copy-pasting the contents of the client’s email and call the client if the situation requires it.
  2. For cancellation emails: cancel the session and call the client to inform them that their appointment has been canceled.
  3. For emails to a specific clinician: email the clinician and ask them to look at your contact note in TN. Do NOT forward the email to the clinician.
  1. TherapyNotes Reschedule/Cancel: Archive
  2. TherapyNotes Appointment Request: Archive if it’s an existing client
  3. Training opportunities: Forward to Erin W. & Heidi B.

Yes, remember to document the details in a contact note.


Task Person
Website questions
Record requests
Insurance questions Refer to admin guide, then to Rebeka Tolle or VIBE
Billing questions Thera-PAY (

Record Requests + ROIS

  1. Yes, a different clinician can send CARE internal documents.
  2. If a client is requesting to send documents we have received from a different company, we cannot forward.
  1. If the client is a clinician at CARE, pass on the message.
  2. Add a contact note stating that the client’s status was not confirmed or denied

Not at this time, you will need to let the clinician know of this request.

  1. After one year.
  2. You can tell if an ROI is expired or not signed if it has a caution symbol next to it.

Inform the clinician and ask them to request another ROI.


The ROI is Invalid—it must say CARE Counseling.

  1. If client is 16, they must sign the ROI along with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
  2. If client is under 16, parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must sign the ROI.

ROI is invalid.


No, this would be invalid.

  1. Add the ROI contents into a Miscellaneous Note in Therapy Notes & update name of note.
  2. Add the ROI into the Patient Info under Contacts.
  3. Inform the clinician that the ROI has been added.