MN Loan Forgiveness Application Support!

CARE has figured out a way for our clinicians to qualify for the MN Health Care Loan Forgiveness Program (yay!)

Good news!! In 2022, approximately $300,000 in loan forgiveness was awarded to CARE Counseling applicants from the MNLFP! 

According to the 2023 Application:

– LICSW’s, LMFT’s, and LPCC’s could receive $11,000/year for 4 years = $44,000 total!

– Psychiatric NP’s could receive $15,000/year = $60,000 total!

– Doctoral LP’s could receive $29,000/year = $116,000 total!

We want to make this as simple and streamlined as possible for you. We have spent many many hours reviewing the application system and requirements and have come up with two steps to follow below. Scroll down for more details about each of the 6 points.

This is an incredible opportunity to invest a minimal amount of time for the possibility of receiving loan forgiveness for a significant portion of your student loans. We will continue to update the information as more details are provided.

We are so excited to support you all in completing the application BY DECEMBER 15, 2023! 

Please reach out to for any questions along the way.

Step One: Prepare for Application

1. Determine if you are ELIGIBLE

2. Dust off your RESUME and update

3. Obtain a CURRENT STATEMENT of your student/educational loans

Step Two: Prepare to Apply

4. Request two professional LETTERS OF REFERENCE

5. Work on the ESSAY portion

6. APPLY BY DEC 15, 2023 and hopefully obtain response from the Minnesota Department of Health in early 2024!

#1 Are You Eligible?

  • NOTE: These details are based on the 2022 MNFLP application cycle. We will continue to update this page as we get more info about the 2023 application

    • Are you independently licensed and practicing unsupervised, or will you be by Fall 2024?
      • Licenses that will work for CARE Counseling Employees include LMFT, LP, LPCC, LICSW  & NP (LADC can apply, and approval may be harder to achieve).
      •  Of note, preference is given to those closest to independent licensure, as the statue requires recipients to be licensed upon start of award contract.
      • If not independently licensed by 9/1/24, no worries, applications are accepted every year and we will support you in applying next Fall!
    •  From March 2024 to February 2028, do you plan to work full-time?
      • Full-time = 30 or more hours weekly for 45 weeks of the year.
        • ***Note: 20% of hours can be clinical supervision and a portion of the hours can include client-centered paperwork, case management, consultation.
        • If the answer to above is no, would you consider full-time in order to qualify?!
    • Does your caseload consist of at least 25% of clients annually that receive medical assistance?
      • Given CARE’s client population, this is very likely, and we will determine this for you.
    • If you qualify, before you apply: click on the “MNLFP FAQ’s” button to review  important details regarding the Minnesota Loan Forgiveness Program.
      • You can also find more details about MNLFP here

#2 Update Your Resume

  • Make sure your RESUME is up to date with your:
    • Most recent and highest degree(s) earned;
    • CARE Counseling position;
    • Any additional training you have completed (especially Grand Rounds or workshops/conferences attended on cultural humility);
    • Any volunteer experience and diverse communities or populations you serve(d).
      • NOTE: The MDH committee gives preference to applicants that can demonstrate cultural competencies.

#3 Obtain Loan Statement

  • Gather a current statement of your STUDENT/EDUCATIONAL LOAN
    • The statement needs to be from a government or commercial entity(not from a credit card, Parent PLUS program or family member).
      • Verify loans are only for health profession educational loans related to your current discipline (LP, LPCC, LICSW, LMFT, LADC).
      • Verify outstanding balance shows a minimum of $44,000 (masters), $60,000 (nursing) or $116,000 (doctoral) – these numbers are based on 2022 application.
      • All those with student loan amounts should apply no matter the outstanding balance.

#4 Request Letters of Reference

  • Obtain two professional LETTERS OF REFERENCE
    • You can request letters of reference from supervisors and managers at CARE.
    • We highly recommend requesting at least one month before you apply. When completing the application, you will submit their letter to your application.
    • If you would like to request a letter from someone outside of CARE, **The individual needs to be a professor, supervisor, or professional mentor (not a peer, direct report, or friend/family).
  • Here is a suggested template:

Greetings (insert name), I am writing you today to request a professional letter of reference for my Minnesota Loan Forgiveness Program application. I will be submitting my application next month, insert date, and would be so grateful if you would be able to send before this time. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your consideration to write a letter of support for my application. With appreciation, (Insert your email signature)

#5 Work on Essay

  • Write ESSAY portion for the application:
    • A one-to-two-page essay will be required for this program:
    • “Concerning knowledge of the patient population to be served, addressing access to health care issues and how the applicant will change health care outcomes of that population, as well as documenting diverse cultural competencies.”

    • We are going to help you write this by providing you an example, that includes an overview on trainings, education, supervision, and consultation provided at CARE.
      • You will need to personalize and add your own voice :)
    • Follow the button “Essay Example” for prompts that will support you in writing a strong essay.
    • For those that applied last year, you can use a similar essay, but we recommend you update and write more directly to the essay prompts.
    • The MDH committee ranks applicants higher that can demonstrate cultural competencies.

#6 Apply & Await Response…

  • First, starting on Nov 1., create an individual account:
  • Note: The application closes on 1/6/24, however, CARE needs at least three weeks to verify the application for you, please submit by 12/15 to allow enough time for us to support your application!

  • Click “Apply” and select this application: MN Health Care Loan Forgiveness
  • Complete the application as an “Individual”
  • Then here are some tips for the application responses:
    • You will need a Minnesota residential address
    • Have your license number handy (if you don’t have one yet, that is okay)
    • For Profession Applying For Loan Forgiveness select:
      • Twin Cities Clinicians: Urban Mental Health Professional
      • Mankato Clinicians: Rural Mental Health Professional
      • NP’s = Advance Practice Provider
    • For Practice Site Name use: CARE Counseling, input the site address where you see clients (if work from home, use your designated work location in EHR profile)
    • Practice Site HPSA Designation answer:
      • YES for (as of 10/6/23):
        • 310 Clifton Ave., Mpls, MN, 55403
        • 204 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls, MN, 55403
        • 1650 Mankato Ave., Mankato, MN, 56001
      • NO for the remainder of sites (note, it is not necessary and if you would be willing/plan to move to one of those locations, insert address where you would)
        • You can verify if your location is in a HPSA here
    • *Patient Population answer: YES*
      • NP Advance Practice Applications NO for 2023
    • Primary telehealth providers: if you have the ability and willingness to provide in-person sessions, should a client requests and the program requires it, indicate yes to providing in-person appts.
    • Education: Insert were you attended graduate school for most recent degree
    • Current / Active Student Loan Default: If you select yes, some/all of your loans may not qualify (see “MNLF FAQ’s” for more info)
    • For Patient Population Confirmation enter:

***If you would like CARE support on filling out the application, we will host open office hours to answers questions throughout the process.

Final Thoughts

  • Get excited for the possibility of loan forgiveness!!
  • We have hope for positive results from the Minnesota Department of Health in early 2024!
  • For more details on the MNLF Program click here
  • Reach out to for any questions along the way!